
mr. shy-guy is no longer shy

'Nough of hermeneutics, existential philosophy, Hume, Sartre, critical discourse analysis and whatnot. I'm done learning for today. Again a sucessful day, even got that presentation for 9/11-literary studies done and hit town instantly in order to reward myself, kinda.

Now to what I really need to catch up to. I guess, I've got myself a little fuck buddy. Being on the verge of totally freaking out most of Friday and Saturday because of writing the 9/11 paper for hours on end, it was him that totally got me back to normal again. He came over, looking like some high-browse version of a Russian pimp, with his expensive-looking coat, bringing along this delicious bottle of wine and then we just went for the couch, Maren's couch (she was in Berlin at the time). Ah, what am I to say? Mr. L is a handsome chap, like he's got those stintingly blue eyes, a perfect physique, like built up naturally, the kinda bear-qualities that I really like in a man - so we just hit it off, or kinda resumed the thread where we left it at Stargayte couple a days ago. At the moment, he's like my personal chill-out area what with all the pseudo-hysteria at university. I don't even know how it works between the two of us - but it damn works. No profound talking, no real getting to know each other better, no running down of catalogue-like questions ... just charms and chemistry of a certain kind. And it's mutual. He even told me an awful lot of things which I really like to hear right now, stuff boosting my ego basically. In essence, there are no strings attached. It's like this contract we clandestinely signed - a silent agreement. And that's basically it. It's fun, it's relaxed and it's "uncomplicated" as the lunatics on Romeo would put it. But it's not superficial at the same time. He keeps making me compliments, chatting me up on the net, sending text messages ... but he's not into something within the bigger scheme of things - and neither am I, honestly. I'm just happy about this man passing my way. Told him we'd kinda have to make a break as the exams will really be tying me up for the next two weeks but at "Worst of the 90ies" we'll be seeing each other again - at least, that's what I offered him.

Some people have a personal counsellor, I've got myself a personal fuck buddy ... ain't that nice, for a change?!

in and out of tune, or: feeling kind-of-ish

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Zuletzt aktualisiert: 16. Nov, 21:36


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