
my personal exam interlude

It's funny how relaxed I feel once again. Retreating from people every once in while makes you maybe a tid asocial but it helps regenerate. That's how Simon put it - and I fully agree. So after a rather strenuous time feeling like a robot programmed to learn, and learn, and learn ... I took a short break. Five exams this week, most of them were pretty easy I'd say. The heavy one on Friday was not that heavy after all either. But hell, I've been learning for that exam like for three weeks. Guess, it paid off pretty well. Afterwards I felt like jumping around out of joy. I hit town, bought some clothes and hung out again at the English Bookshop, something that I haven't done in ages. Oh, that was so fantastic. I love it. I ended up having like five books in my hand but eventually decided to be realistic, so I bought "The Waves" from Virginia Woolf. So much for "realistic." I wish uni would provide me with more time to read stuff of my own accord. Stuff I really want to read, not stuff I have to read. Anyway. Friday was so relaxed. I love Virginia. God bless her. She was such a genius. Definitely my favourite female writer of all times. After all, I realize the enormous contribution to Modern Literature that she accomplished.

Aaron also called. I asked him out for the movies but on Friday his father came back home from Tel Aviv so we postponed the movies till next Thursday. I was actually surprised that he felt so eager to offer an alternative. For the first time he told me about his novel, which is something that apparently means a great deal to him. So he hardly ever talks about it. And I get him, it kind of disvalues your writing, talking too much about it. Just like I say "Don't talk about work in progress, it takes away some of the spirit." *gg* The phone call was fun, I was like so out of my mind and it seemed to have caught upon Aaron. I love him. Come what may. I love him. By the way, it's Ludovico again that I'm currently listening to. Oltremare - what else could it be?! *gg*

Yesterday's Worst of the 90ies was just what the doctor ordered. I was like so looking forward to that, feeling like a human being again, doing silly, childish stuff. Beforehand, Simon came over and we went to Tobi's place, then took a cab altogether and waited like for half an hour to even get inside the Postgarage. Never saw a place so crowded but it was fun, fun, fun. Again, dancing it up. Maren and her girls were pretty funny as well. Then Mr. L came over. He is sweet. A decent guy taking care of me pretty much. We made out on the dance floor not giving a shit about people watching us or not. He slept over. I really enjoyed having him by my side. After all, this huge bed of mine is really destined to house two people.

And now I should get back to learning. Still, two more exams. But I don't mind. I feel sorta revitalized and look forward to getting over the last two exams, too. And I look forward to hitting Linz again, which I will do as soon as I'm done here in Graz. Linz here I come!

in and out of tune, or: feeling kind-of-ish

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